Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bicycle Film Festival - Call for Submissions!

While Josh on the East Coast is having fun in a ton of snow and Anthony is enjoying summertime polo down under, those of us in Memphis are staying indoors and remaining stationary. The bicycle trainer: going nowhere, fast.


While you don't have all of Memphis' beautiful trees to look at while you ride you can always pop a movie into the player. And what better kind of movie than a biycle movie!

(Nice segue, eh?)

The submission deadline for the 2010 Bicycle Film Festival is March 27th. Click the banner above to see the guidelines and download a submission form.

What's up with the BFF in Memphis, you ask? LOTS! This year will be bigger and better than last year and we're working with a lot of great people right now. Of course, we always need more help so if you're interested shoot me an email at or Alona via We will start having meetings pretty soon and we'd like your ideas.

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