Thursday, May 6, 2010

Toy Machine Fixed Gear Deck

I spotted this at Hipster Nascar: Toy Machine Bloodsucking Skateboard Company has released a new deck showing Turtleboy in a Cinelli cycling cap and holding a copy of a mag that appears to be titled "Fixed Gear Today."

This is not the first time skateboards have featured bicycles. Remember the Chocolate decks? I still want those. I google-found this site which shows that they made some pretty rad looking t-shirts as well.

That led me to search what other skateboard decks have featured bicycles, and more to the point, which have featured fixed gear bicycles. Of course we know that Element and Brooklyn Machine Works did a collaboration but I'm more interested in actual decks and artwork.

The Switzerland based 242 Shop released a deck that shows a shop area. My Swiss isn't exactly conversational but I believe the sign is pointing towards the velodrome. 242 Shop also has some rad t-shirts. I also like their Hubble shirts because I'm a space nerd! You can't order direct but you can email them and tell them what you'd like and they'll send you a PayPal invoice.

Enjoi also released this Cairo Foster pro deck. It looks like they don't know too much about gear ratios!
Last up is this Queen tribute from Expedition (Expedition One, whatever...). It's not a fixed gear but it's still a bicycle.

In addition to adding the cigarette it looks like they gave her a wedgie as well. Originally the girl was naked but stores refused to stock the single (Bicycle Race b/w Fat Bottomed Girls) so the label put some panties on the curvaceous cyclist.

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