Sunday, December 6, 2009

Get Buff Even When It's Freezing

Okay, so I know most of the people that read this blog ride their bikes religously. However, try as i might, i'm not one of those people. Though recently i have a new found LOVE for riding trails with Cort and speeding through beautifully crafted mud puddles while he looks on with adoration, i want a consistent way to do quicker workouts and still burn calories without building a lot of muscle.

So, i researched the topic and what i found was refreshing and encouraging. I read that riding my trainer (that my amazing bf gave me)at home for 30 minutes will burn up to 235 calories and 500 for an hour! So, yea. Dad, sorry, you can't borrow my trainer anymore. It's super cold and i'm going to try and force myself to ride my short route to work, but just in case i pansy out, i want to know my trainer is there waiting for me.

Oh, and p.s. if any ladies want to walk/run/ride with me in Overton Park so we all feel a little safer, give me a shout.

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