Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The NEW Thursday Night Ride

Since the departure of our dear friend Isaiah Flowers we're moving the weekly Thursday night ride to our new gracious host's humble abode: Lauren Crabtree has volunteered her house at 1920 Oliver for the pre-ride rendezvous point. It's almost the corner of Oliver and Barksdale.

She's also having a party Thursday night so the ride will start "early" as in 9pm. This week shouldn't be a long ride, maybe lasting an hour or so, depending on the start time.

In other news I've added a new blog to The Latest. Our female rider friends in Nashville have a blog now: The Menstrual Cycles. Check it out and show your support. And Devan, I'm sure you've gotten that leg over the bar skid down so put some pics up!

And in Memphis Downs news: Sponsors are coming in full force. The weekend (September 4th-7th/Labor Day Weekend) is taking shape:

Friday Sept. 4th: dunno?

Saturday Sept. 5th: Electrocity Party at Odessa (this weeks Electrocity has over 200 people from facebook alone planning to attend) showing films from Live From Memphis, 902, Death Pedal, Council of Doom, and motha-effin MACAFRAMA!!! (the movie that everyone is bitching about because they can't get their hands on it!)

Sunday Sept. 6th: Memphis Downs Garage Alleycat. 11 Garages, 3 beer/time bonus checkpoints, over 30 miles of intensity. I need some volunteers!!

Monday Sept. 7th: Bicycle Polo! Pick-up games and a mini-tournament depending on players.

Here's a list of generous sponsors so far:

Egrem Clothing Trend
Banjo Brothers Bags
Urban Velo
OneFixed Clothing
Underground Art
Outlier Clothing

I'm in talks with several others so expect a flyer soon!

I'll see you all Thursday night!

1 comment:

Anthony C. Siracusa said...

Nice. Looks like the Downs will be better than ever this year! Keep up the awesome work!