Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our Moving Dilemma: Walkability, Rideability and the Old Kind of Convenience

CP and I are looking for new digs to habitate so we can save money for several reasons: to buy a house of our very own, purchase a new car and travel more and far-er. The last time we moved, which was only last year, it was a hurried decision. We had a very hard time finding a cute place at a cute price and landed our awesome house fully equipped with a "cat"io (y'know, for the cat)and backyard. However, those amenities come with a price.

The conversation started and we began looking. In the beginning, we said we'd consider Downtown and East Memphis in addition to Midtown. Our first prospect was housed right smack on the greenline, an obvious bonus we thought. Well, it took us a minute to drive there and once we started thinking about places to eat/go, we figured out we might have to drive part of the way. Then i thought about how i would probably have to drive to work and while Cort was accepting of that (thank you, baby), I didn't like not having more options. So no-go on that place. It even had a pool.

Our second and third looks were both very cute and in Midtown, but with a catch; they were caddy cornered with East Parkway and Union. One even had a washer/dryer. While we liked them, I wanted to be able to walk to dinner or the movies or the park. Living near such busy streets limited this option and quite frankly made it less romantic; dodging cars while holding hands is only sweet the first few times.

We tried several other places that were too small for too much money, really dirty or falling apart (our budget is not huge). We have another month to find a place and now with clearer criteria, I think we'll find a perfect pad. It will be close to my work so I can walk or ride, it will be central to local restaurants so we can walk or ride to eat and it will have a washer/dryer (please)! I didn't anticipate having these standards, I feel like I don't walk or ride nearly enough, but apparently I do. Seriously, me and my (oh my gosh my impulse was to say husband!!!) fiance love walking to dinner or riding to eat. It is really easy and fun-I almost can't believe I'm saying this. We run into people we know all of the time and can have a quick convo at a red light or passing by a restaurant. I don't want to drive everywhere anymore. Hm. Imagine that.<3

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